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  1. Title of the Practice
    Virtual Learning Resource Centre

      Objectives of the Practice

  • 24X7 remote access to learning resources/Dspace
  • Educating students on the usage of e-Resources
  • Strengthening resources for Self-paced Learning
  1. The Context

Library provides resources/services that foster learning opportunities and develop creative/ innovative ideas. To create inclusive student-teacher communities online, library provides a platform to access digital information effectively. Library users have raised their expectations for digital participation and to collaborate anywhere-anytime, using digital platforms. As our reliance on digital technology grows, there is dire need of extending the ways in which library engage student/teacher communities to support the E’s of Libraries: education/employment/entrepreneurship/empowerment/engagement.

  1. The Practice
    Virtual Learning Resource Centre(VLRC):

       To develop virtual/digital learning, air-conditioned Resource Centre equipped with 40 Computers & wi-fi is established. Resource Centre has         developed  following e-Resources: 

  • Subscribed membership of N-LIST program of INFLIBNET, with access to 6000+ e-journals and 1,95,000 texts of e-books.
  • Institutional membership of DELNET with access to 3.5crore catalogue records of books/journals/articles/international full-text e-books/e-journals, Inter-Library Loan/Document Delivery Services, Database of Thesis/Dissertations.

       Subscribed perpetual access to 186 e-books(accessible online/offline on android/window applications) from

  • Pearson E-Library
  • McGraw Hill Express Library
  • SAGE
  • Springer
  • 10 e-journals from SAGE through N-LIST.
  • Access to OERs: National Digital Library, Directory of Open Access Books, e-PG Pathshala, NPTEL, SWAYAM.
  • Web-OPAC provides gateway to -Library Resources-Books/Journals/E-Books/E-Journals/Articles installed on E-Kiosks. Links provided on college website.
  • Open Source LMS Koha installed on Linux platform with automated modules for acquisitions/circulation/cataloging/flexible reporting. Cloud-based LMS server made Web-OPAC accessible 24×7
  • Faculty has developed 56036 e-resources (Recorded Lectures, PPTs, E-Text, Audio/Video Tutorials) on 2853 courses at College LMS with enrollment of 15220
  • Recordings of conferences/webinars on official youtube channel/Moodle LMS for Self-Paced Learning.
  • Developed DSpace(Institutional Repository) comprised of intellectual output of the faculty/students containing digital versions of Research Papers published in 25 institutional proceedings, 47 Books published by teachers, teachers’ thesis/dissertations, students projects, question papers, syllabus, career/employment information etc. with remote access.
  • ICT enabled section for Differently-abled Persons with SuperNova Screen Reader/ Magnifier.
  • Special Membership to the alumni/other local citizens to avail the e-Resource/library facilities.
  • Digital collection of newspaper clippings.
  • Conducted 19 Orientation Programs for usage of Library/E-resources/ Web-OPAC
  • Conducted 119 FDP’s/e-courses nation-wide on e-content development/digital tools.
  1. Evidence of Success:
  • 24×7 remote access to e-resources through KOHA/Moodle LMS/Dspace.
  • 100% students/teachers enrolled on NLIST.
  • 5000+ teachers trained nation-wide for e-content development.
  • 15000+ individuals from different strata of society benefitted by LMS e-resources
  • Enhanced library footfall with 377 users per day.
  • 219 students cleared competitive examinations, 296 placed in reputed organizations, 1344 joined higher education.
  • 126 entrepreneurs developed.
  • 100% users trained to use e-Learning resources.
  1. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
  • Funds generation was major issue & resolved by UGC/MLA/Management grants/contribution.
  • Technical training of staff for KOHA installation/administration was another problem in which Department of Computer Science played significant role.
  1. Title of the Practice


2. Objectives of the Practice

To promote responsible stewardship ensuring equitable use of natural and environmental resources for sustainability.

To raise awareness and inculcate environment sustainability culture and encourage stakeholders to foster new standards of sustainable solutions to environmental issues.

  1. The Context

Environmental degradation threatens the sustainability of the earth and survival of future generations. Educational institutions can be instrumental in addressing environmental issues. The college takes pride in taking environmental sustainability initiatives to provide a clean and healthy environment that supports education, awareness and sensitization of the students for various environmental conservation practices. The students, teaching and non teaching fraternity are involved in implementing eco-friendly practices that reflect our commitment to address environmental issues and sustainability.

 4. The Practice

WASTE MANAGEMENT Color coded dustbins for waste segregation.18 vermicomposting tanks for organic waste management. Scrap and E-waste collected and handed over to M/S.Thapar Disposal Industries Ambala. Centralized paper distribution, library automation and CIMS to reduce paper waste. WATER CONSERVATION College has 10 recharging units and 3 rainwater harvesting tanks to collect rainwater and waste water from water coolers, RO purifiers and ACs which is utilized for watering the plants and lawns. Drip irrigation and pop up sprinklers to conserve water.

ENERGY CONSERVATION Solar power plant of 110KW and Biogas plant Sensor based LED lights and Star rated electrical equipment

PLANTATION 6 lush green lawns with rich phytodiversity comprising of wide varieties and species of plants, herbs, shrubs and tree with their botanical names displayed. Green Policy, Energy Audit and Environmental & Green Audits are regularly done and ISO certified.

AWARENESS PROGRAMMES Environment Awareness Club along with NSS, NCC, YRC & Women Cell organize various programmes



Plantation Drives


Cleanliness Drives&SwachthaPakwara


Waste Management & Environment Sustainability Awareness


Plastic Free Campaign


E-waste Collection Drives

Twice Every Year.

Season Donation Drives (Clothes, Books, Food Items, Stationary)


Feeding Animals


Celebration and Observation of Days



  1. Evidence of Success

College has been awarded an amount of Rs 10,00,000/- by Sh Anil Vij, Honorable Home Minister Haryana for various environment projects.

District Green Champion Award from Mahtama Gandhi National Council for Rural Education, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India for successfully implementing Swachhta Action Plan 2020-21.

First Position in State Level Energy Conservation Award 2018-19 by Department of Renewable Energy, Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA) for promotion of energy conservation practices.

Swachh College Award (2020,2021,2022) by Municipal Council Ambala for environment conservation practices.

Ground water level maintained since last 5 years.

Reduced electricity bills

  1. Problems Encountered and Resources Required Environmental sustainability measures and initiatives are challenging so determination and commitment is required from all the stakeholders. Environmentally Sustainable Campus initiatives need expertise so expert advice and investment of resources are required.

Title: Financial Assistance Services


To help students to pursue or continue their higher education who have financial difficulty.

To reduce the dropout rate due to financial problems.


Education is the fundamental right of every child. Any young aspirant should not be deprived of higher education due to weak financial condition. Moreover, many students who get the chance to enroll in higher education discontinue their studies due to inability to pay the course fee. So there is need to help poor and unprivileged youth with financial aid.    


College has established a dedicated Scholarship cell to make students aware of various scholarship schemes offered by state and central government and private scholarships. Private scholarships are arranged by the cell by contacting philanthropists.  College is maintaining the practice of providing financial assistance to meritorious and needy students since last two decades in the form of :

Fee Concessions

Government Scholarships

Private Scholarships

Earn While You Learn Scheme

Books from Book Bank

Fee Concessions: During the time of admission, economically backward, meritorious, outstanding sportspersons, fatherless girls, outstanding artists of various cultural activities are required to fill a specially devised form. These forms are scrutinized by a specially constituted committee in collaboration with scholarship cell which identifies the needy students. Thereafter, the list of deserving candidates is displayed on the college notice boards and college website. These students are then interviewed by the Committee members who decide on the waiver percentage of the student.

Types of Concessions are: EWC,FFM,HFC,Sports,FFC

Dedicated Scholarship Cell: Scholarships are offered to meritorious , deserving and needy students to encourage them to take up Higher education.

Types of Scholarships:

Government Scholarships(16 Schemes)

Private Scholarships(150 Sponsors)

Cell help students by making them aware of scholarship schemes and applying for scholarships offered by state and central government.

Scholarship Cell arranges for private scholarships by contacting and motivating individuals, teachers, trusts, professionals, industrilists etc. for financial aid  for meritorious, needy and deserving students. In the Session 2019-20 only 45 philanthropists provided scholarships to needy and meritorious students.

Earn While You Learn Scheme: College help students to earn with dignity to pursue their studies through Earn While Learn Scheme with the objective

(i)   To provide an opportunity for earning while learning so that spirit of work culture and confidence is inculcated in the students.

(ii)   The scheme envisages engaging students in small tasks in the   college such as in:



Computer room of the College

Assistance in the office work of the college and any other suitable job in the college campus.

Books from Book Bank

 Book Bank facility is a unique feature of the institute wherein meritorious and economically backward students are provided text books from the library. The students are required to fill in the forms and a Committee is authorized to sanction the facility to the deserving and needy students. Every year a large collection of textbooks is added to the existing book bank of the library. The Library Upgradation Committee ensures that the outdated, old-edition books and text books no longer prescribed by the university are weeded out and latest editions are added to the Book Bank for the benefit of the students.

Evidence of Success: Lower Drop out rate

Increased student strength

Up-liftment of socially and economically weaker section of society 

Access of Education to all

Problem Encountered and resources required:

Problems Encountered :

Arranging for Private Scholarship

Applying for Government Scholarships

Delay in Reimbursement of scholarship amount by government

Resources Required:

Funds from Endowment Fund

Funds from Management, Teachers, professionals , industrialists, Trusts etc.


Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA)

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) is inspired by the vision of transformational change in rural development processes by leveraging knowledge institutions to help build the architecture of an Inclusive India.The Mission of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is to enable HEI to work with the people of rural India in identifying development challenges and evolving appropriate solutions for accelerating sustainable growth. Sanatan Dharma College is selected as a Principal Investigator (PI) in 3rd list of UBA project by MHRD, New Delhi and has adopted five villages cluster under MHRD, UBA scheme. The names of these villages are: Khojkipur (101), Kardhan (CT), Rawlan (65), Naggal (102), Munarheri (24).The college has conducted village survey and household survey in all of the adopted villages and the analysis reports of these surveys are: Khojkipur, Kardhan, Rawlan, Naggal, Munarheri. College has conducted various activities under UBA project like awareness programs, Hamlet meetings etc. College had distributed cloth bags to individual households so that the villages can be declared as plastic-free on 2nd October 2019. In the next phase, College is planning the village development plan for village problems and the solutions for the betterment of the villages.


College Information Management System The college has developed CIMS (College Information Management System), which is an ERP based software developed in consultation with the needs of the stakeholders. Through CIMS students can access their examination results, assignment scores, attendance details and other academic information directly on their computers or mobile phone. Faculty members have the facility to upload details of their activities and duties during the session and then retrieve the same in a desired format. Development of Social Progress Index (SPI) of Students World research by International agencies like UNDP suggests that most of the youth from developing countries lag behind in soft skills, especially inter-personal and communication skills. The reason behind this is that professional as well as HEIs lay maximum emphasis on only technical knowledge and academic input. The result is that pass-outs from even some of the institutes of eminence are not able to get employment and even if they do, they find it difficult to retain. The goal of this practice is to motivate and provide ample opportunities as well as a sound platform to students where they can develop and enhance their personality by participating in a variety of activities which in turn will not only boost their confidence but also prepare them for the daunting challenges presented to them by the society, thereby, improving the Social Progress Index of the nation. 

1. Title of the Practice

Modernization of the Library

2. Objectives of the Practice
• 24X7 hours access to library resources
• Development of E-Resources
• Internet Access to students
• Remote Access to library resources.
• Development of IT Skills in library Staff
• Digitization of information resources
• Online Access to unlimited information from different sources
3. The Context

Library is the knowledge Hub in the higher education institution which assists HEI’s to carry out its academic programmes by serving the reading, learning & research needs of students and teaching staff. In order to fulfill the growing needs of students of 21st century, traditional libraries need to be modernized in terms of learning resources, collection, organization and services. Automation in the library not only makes easier access to the resources & enhances cataloguing, circulation and acquisitions but also reduces the staff load and increases the productivity. Remote access facilitated with technology helps students and teachers to access the library information sitting at the comfort of their homes. Modernization has eliminated paper based transactions and self service kiosks provide easy access to the library resources. Subscription to the e-resources facilitate the students & teachers to get the benefit of huge number of resources in minimal time for study and research purposes. So this practice of modernization of Library has helped to enhance the student’s learning experience by offering best on-campus and online library services to the students and staff.

4. The Practice

In the process of modernization college has automated the library fully with the application of cloud based reputed open source LMS ‘KOHA’ and Web-OPAC which enables the users to access the library database anywhere anytime. Two touch screen e-Kiosks also have been installed in the library for OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). College has set up an E-Resource Center within the library with 40 computers equipped with Wi-Fi Internet facility and two 6 KVA online UPS to provide uninterrupted power supply. The center provides access to a large number of e-resources subscribed by the college through the below listed academic e- resource providers:

• N-LIST/-INFLIBNET E-Resources (College component of E-shodhsindhu consortium)
• DELNET (Developing Library Network), New Delhi
• Perpetual access to e-textbooks and e-journals from the below listed reputed e-resource providers:
• Pearson E-Library
• McGraw-Hill Express Library
• Sage e-Text and Sage e-Journals
• Collection of more than 800 CDs & DVDs of educational contents.

E-Resource Centre has also developed Institutional Repository comprised of intellectual output of the college for online access of students and staff. IR of the college contains digital versions of Research papers published in the 24 proceedings of the college, 47 Books published by the teachers of the college, theses and dissertations of the teachers for the reference of other teachers and students , projects developed by the students etc.

In addition to the above library facilitate access to various Open Educational E-Resources like NDLI, E-PG Pathshala, DOAJ, CEC, SWAYAM, NPTEL and Spoken Tutorials etc. The library has also created a digital archive of newspaper clippings and university examination question papers.

The whole library premise has Wi-Fi Internet connectivity and CCTV surveillance with high resolution IP cameras. The institutional membership of reputed library network DELNET has also been subscribed by the college to access various databases and Inter Library Loan facility. The total amount spent on the library infrastructure and services in the session 2020-21 is 10.48 lacs. Library is upgraded with Super Nova Magnifier & Screen reader and braile software for the visually impaired students. Selected international full-text e-books and e-journals in various fields are available in library. Access to more than 3.5 crore catalogue records of books, journals, articles, etc. are provided by the library.

5. Evidence of Success • 100% students and teachers are enrolled on NLIST to access e-resources.
• Enhanced Student satisfaction level.
• Better Academic Results.
• 992 students benefitted with Free Book Bank facility of the Library.
• 24×7 hours access to e-resources to students and staff.
• Timey alerts to students and staff new arrivals, new e-subscriptions & other notices
• Professional Cataloguing system through WEB-OPAC
• Enhanced online access to e-resources & institutional repository.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required • Funds generation for the modernization of Library was one of the challenge before the institution which was overcome by UGC grants, MLA grant and management contribution. • Technical Training of the staff for installation and administration of KOHA was another challenge before the college where department of Computer Science played a prominent role.

1. Title of the Practice

Extension and Outreach Programs

2. Objectives of the Practice
a. To sensitize the students about social issues like poverty, corruption, child labour, drug addiction, caste system, Communalism, Violence against women, dowry, female feticide etc.
b. To develop skills among students to address social issues and provide solutions to them.
c. To provide them opportunity to work with NGO’s for social cause and upliftment of the underprivileged section of the society.
d. Sensitizing people especially population from rural area about social issues.
e. Making society aware of environmental and social issues.
f. Providing digital literacy in the rural areas.
g. To make underprivileged section of society aware about rural development programs and their legal rights.
h. Helping students from the rural area to select the right option of higher education / right career path after senior secondary education.
i. To develop leadership and team work skills amongst the students.
3. The Context

The youth is the change agent in the economic and social development of the nation. There are plenty of social issues in India broadly categorized in to Gender Issues, Poverty Issues, Caste issues, Health Issues, Environmental issues which if addressed by the youth can be resolved. Along with the academic development of the student, sensitizing the youth about social issues and preparing them to make public aware and sensitized to find solutions for social issues is the prime focus area of higher education institution. Youth should be motivated to help, guide and make underprivileged section of the society aware of their rights and fight against injustice. College has institutionalized the practice of extension and outreach activities to develop a socially responsible citizen.

4. The Practice

Colleges has institutionalized the practice of extension and outreach programs by making it mandatory for all the subject associations to include extension & outreach program as prime activity in their planner along with other co-curricular & curriculum enrichment activities. Students of all the subject associations actively participate in sensitization programs and programs to cater to the needs of the neighborhood community. Voluntary associations of the youth of the colleges like NSS, NCC, YRC, Rotract Club strives to provide selfless service to the society. Under the practice of extension & outreach programs, college has adopted five villages under MHRD, UBA scheme for the upliftment of rural areas named:

• Khojkipur
• Kardhan
• Rawlan
• Naggal
• Munarheri

Subject Associations of Commerce(Naggal), Computer Science(Munarheri), Voluntary associations of NSS(Rawlan),NCC(Kardhan) & YRC(Khojkipur) were assigned one village each for the development. Students and teachers of the associations conducted a survey to get an overview & understanding of demographic status , services like adhar cards, Bank Accounts , Government Schemes (PM Ujjwala Yojna, PM Awas Yojna, Fasal bima Yojna, Krishi Sinchai Yojna, Soil Health card, Kisan Credit Card, Swachh Bharat Mission Toilet, Jan Aushadi Yojna) availed by households, Government Schemes availed by Individuals, Status of Literacy rate , Status of migration of villagers to city, provision of Health Services, Drinkage Water facilities, Drainage facilty & sanitation, Compost pits, Status of availability of toilets to households, types of houses they own(kutcha, semi-pucca, pucca,homeles), Village connectivity & transport facilities, Basic amenities , status of land and agriculture resources,lighting sources usage, Cooking chullah usage etc. As per the needs identified through the analysis of survey students conducted various activities in their respective villages like awareness programs, cleanliness drives, counselling sessions, distributions of food, clothes, medicines, masks , paper bags etc for the development & sensitization of the people of the villages.

Apart from village adoption NSS, NCC, YRC , Rotract Club , Women Cell, Environment Club & Subject Associations individually/ incollaboration with Govt/Non Govt Agencies have conducted about 80 different programs in which 100%of students of the college have participated in the session 2020-21.

Major activities of the session 2020-21 includes: 1. Blood Donation Camps- 02
2. Cleanliness Drives: 03
3. Camps on Health, Hygiene & Sanitation: 13
4. Plantation Drives: 04
5. Distribution & Donations-food and other eatables to old persons, Books ,Artificial Limbs,Senitizer & Masks -04
6.Workshop on Life Skills for Students & Community
7.Workshop on “Psychosocial Counselling and Helper Skills”
8. Awareness Program on Road Safety & Traffic Rules & other issues -11
9. Drugs De-Addiction Compaign-01
10. Vaccination Camps for the local community-04
11.Connect Programs with community
12. Connect Programs with Government Schools for enabling youth to select right program of Higher Education & choosing right career path.
13. Digital Literacy Programs in government schools and rural areas.
14. Gender Sensitization Programs
15. Rallies on Theme
16. Awareness on Legal Rights
17. Awareness programs on environment issues.
5. Evidence of Success • 100% students of the college sensitized about the social issues & environmental issues.
• 100% students are motivated to work for society.
• All the students are trained to conduct various extension & outreach programs.
• Green & Clean Campus
• Efficient & Proper management of waste (liquid, solid,chemical & E-waste)
• Staff and students sensitized for energy conservation.
• All the five villages adopted under UBA scheme are sensitized & benefitted with the various programs conducted by the students & staff of the college.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required a. Lack of skilled students for outreach programs
b. Lack of awareness amongst students about social issues.
c. Lack of Motivation amongst youth to work for society.
d. Connecting with rural population
e. Sensitizing the rural population for social issues
f. Convincing Sarpanch of the village for conducting awareness & other programs in the villages.
g. Convincing rural population for change of attitude in matters concerning society, culture and ways of thinking.
h. Requirement of Funds are met by grant received by college under UBA scheme for conducting programs for five adopted villages, Funds received by NSS unit through university and funds by the college management.

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